Sunday, June 13, 2010

Good is the Enemy of Great

A college professor once told me a story.  He said that he was talking to a successful tennis coach, asking him how he could improve his game, and the coach told him that the best way to do it was to go out every single day and hit 140 balls.  Naturally, being a writing professor, he related it to writing.  He told us if we wanted to be better writers we should craft, not just write but craft, 140 sentences a day.  That's the purpose of this blog, to give me a place to write.  I doubt I will be writing 140 sentences everyday, but I'll be writing as often as I can.  I can't guarantee that everything I write will be great, but I'll try.

I'm already a good writer.  I'm not being arrogant, it's just something I've been around all my life.  My Mom is a writer, if you walk into her house it's like walking into a library.  Every place there is room there are books.  She's written dozens of novels, never published, but she's written them.  It's something I've been around all my life, and it's something I really enjoy.  But being good at something isn't good enough for me.  It's too easy to say "I'm already good, so I don't have to improve any more."  This blog is simply an attempt to stave off the effects of apathy.

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